I got a message about English Ezine.

I got a message about English Ezine.

I’ve got a message from the man who’s musician I respect for and cheered me up about my music activities.
His message about my English Ezine.
And he said that “some examples you wrote were strange so Are you sure OK?
Apparently, he worried about me.

Anyway, I want to say thank for reading my Ezine.
Then I looked and looked examples of my Ezine and I found ones he may thought.

But every time I make examples, I look some English articles of someone’s blog and imitate that.
So if he think that my examples are strange, maybe people who was imitated by me are strange, aren’t they?

You don’t worry about me 😀
I’ve been feeling much better these days.
In other words, I don’t have anythings like you thought about.

I also think that I want to do activities of music work again.
I don’t know when it is though.
But when the time has come, I’m gonna make music for 120% myself .


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