Category Archives: Music-SEICHI

Think of me(シンパシーの英語版あともう少し)

I wrote a sulky post recently here,
yeah, sorry for this.
but The song “Think of me” will come out somehow.
Since I did record it, I have to make this. anyhow, anyhow!
But I’ve never had a break through.
Until I have it, Maybe I’ll release other songs or something. Nowadays I’ve been making some new songs.
All I can do is make and play music.
I’m going to cheer up that everyone enjoys my music.
Come to think of it, I uploaded the video which is live @ Asagaya-Drum on my blog.
Check it out!

シンパシーの英語版 Think of me が なんとか完成しそうです。
せっかくレコーディングしたのだから なんとかしたいです。
ブレイクスルーは、まだ体験出来ていないので 体験出来るまでは 違う曲を発表するかもです。
あ、そうそう 2006年の「あさがやドラム」でのライブビデオを blogにアップしました。

Failed-Think of me English ver.

Last weekend,
I recored my vocal of my song called “Think of me” in English.
but it was SOOOOOOOOO bad.
so I cannot give you to listen it.
I didn’t manage it, handle it.
R&B songs may not good on me?
I’ve never thought it before.
but I was glad that I could find out.
Tomorrow, I’m gonna try to mix the other type of song!