Category Archives: note

Bakumatsu exhibition

The day before yesterday
We went to the “Bakumatsu exhibition” .

“Bakumatsu” are the final years of the Edo era.

“Baku” is short name of the Edo Bakufu
“matsu” means “the end”.

There were so many historical things and short movies.

We did browse around there about an hour.

Staff gave us a catalogue.
It was great.

I’m going to give my father (who likes Japanese history) it.

take more than few weeks

It’ll take more than few weeks to memorize a lot of basic patterns.

What a long time it takes to study English!

but I’ll be able to solve most of the problems.

There’s no shortcut way to do everything.

People say
“How did you study?”
then the Success man say
“Do practice many times.”

That’s the truth of it.