I’m sure that Mr. Santa has been seeing my blog

ここ何日間、書きたいことがたくさんあったんだけど忘れた(笑)。って忘れてる間に今年もあと10日間ですよ、社長!今年を振り返るのはまだ早いとして、誰かクリスマスプレゼントくれないかな〜。MacBookエアと地デジチューナーとTIme Capsule が欲しいな。でも、靴下には入りきらないな。サンタさんがこのブログを見てくれてるっていうのは分かってるんだけどね。でも、MacBookエアならCMでやってたように封筒に入れてポストに入るかも!欲しいものは出来るだけ詳しく書こう。11インチの128GB、現行モデルで。

Hey! I had a lot of things to tell you but I completely forgot 🙁
We have only 10 days until the end of this year!
Looking back on this year is too early.
BTW, I wonder if someone give me a Macbook Air, Digital tuner and Time Capsule?
But they are too big for one of socks, I think.
I’m sure that Mr. Santa has been seeing my blog though.
Can Macbook Air drop into a postbox? Like its CM?
Anyway, Macbook Air I want is one which has 11 inch body and 128GB.
Did you hear that?


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